Ted’s Biography

Since I was in college I wanted to do something to help other people. I majored in Environmental Toxicology at UC Davis, and graduated in 1988 with a Bachelors of Science degree. We learned to look at what happens to toxic chemicals in the environment, and were involved in taking samples of soil, water, and other mediums. We could then analyze them for trace amounts of chemicals and their breakdown products. From these endeavors, I found I enjoyed chemistry by putting things together and making something new.

I thought I could use this type of work to make the world a slightly better place to live in, it was easier said than done though. In the work world, I got caught up in the career track and soon I was working in a biotech startup company. (Applied Biosystems).

In the early 1990s, I had an opportunity to explore Tibetan Buddhism. It was a life changing time for me.

I started seeing that there was a “disconnect” between my new understanding of Buddhism, my original idea of helping people, and my present work circumstances. In many ways my current job made me feel like I was a small cog in a big wheel, and I really wasn’t doing anything to help other people. I needed to live a life that was more consistent with my ideals and spirit. So I made a radical decision and quit my job.

Ted recharging

I know, it was a little risky- and didn’t make any financial sense- but I had to do something more personally contributing to society. So I became a cab driver in San Francisco, and then a massage therapist, but mostly a self- proclaimed yogi. Eventually I decided to go to into to acupuncture/ Chinese medicine school at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Healing Arts in Oakland CA. I received my license in 2005 and practiced in San Francisco at Chiroclinica until 2014.

My patient population dealt mainly with chronic pain and injuries. Although there were some gratifying success’ I saw that acupuncture- in general- helped for 1- 2 days, but usually the pain came back at almost the original intensity. This is when I came up with the idea of using Chinese herbs as a way of providing relief from pain away from the clinic. I have to acknowledge my great friend Monica Goljweg for introducing me to the idea of creams and moisturizers that she was making. It all made sense to me then, this is how I could help people in an on going way. Chinese medicine has a rich history of using herbs for many ailments- including various types of pain.

So I began thinking about topicals and how I could use these amazing and powerful herbs to relieve pain directly- through a topical balm. Using traditional formulas and my own intuition of what herbs can best address certain aspects of the constitution would be my ultimate mission.

It seems that I have turned full circle and am following chemistry again. I am pursuing a Medical Laboratory Technician program at DeAnza College. It is an intense exploration of knowledge about all aspects medical laboratory analysis. It has been a challenging yet satisfying and beneficial process. I have two classes to go, and then a six-month externship, and then sit for a CA license exam. I need to have a steady income that would also be helping people.

I do like sharing teds-meds though, it is something I love and believe in and is all my own endeavor. I want teds-meds.com to expand and flourish, and hope that it will set a precedent for treatment options. I hope other practitioners would give this to their patients, follow the guidelines, and give me feedback of their patient’s experience.

Licensed practitioners can receive 2-3 samples to give to your patients upon request. These are 1/4oz size, but they can be used for a long time. A little goes a long way. Follow directions on the label.

Learn more about the science and research about the mechanisms of action. Coming soon.