Testimonials for Ted’s Meds

‘I’ve had Lower Back Pain for the last 30 years. I’ve been diagnosed with some issues, but I’ve used chiropractic, massage and yoga to help relieve and heal my body. Using teds-meds has also made a noticeable benefit and relief of my pain. I would recommend this product to my friends, and have bought many for my co-workers for holiday gifts. Thanks Ted!’ – Sharon Joy – RN

‘A couple of years ago, coming back from a lunch break, I tripped on the sidewalk. I had significant damage to my right shoulder cuff, with many tendons torn . As a practicing cardiologist, the use of my shoulder, arm, and hand are integral to my profession.
I am scientifically inclined and trained, and had not explored the use of herbal type medications before this accident. I reluctantly tried ‘teds-meds’ Acute formula. I was surprised that I felt substantial pain relief the next day. I then tried the Chronic pain formula, and I noticed a substantial drop in my pain level for some time after. (2- 6 hours, depending on activity.) It has consistently provided pain relief, and I continue to use it and could not recommend it more highly!’
– Dr. J M MD – Cardiologist – San Francisco, CA

‘I am a horse owner, trainer, and all around animal wrangler for my whole life. I am used to an active outdoor life and am the owner of an animal grooming facility. I have been experiencing increasing joint pain- hands and wrists especially- of advancing arthritis.
I was diagnosed with osteo- arthritis and I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right wrist four years ago. My energy is great, but the pain in my body has slowed me down. I have been prescribed pain relievers and have tried many OTC and homeopathic products in the past few years.
A client brought a sample of teds-meds balm to my shop several months ago, and I started to use it as a ‘try anything’ attempt for day and nighttime pain relief.
After I first applied teds-meds I felt pain reduction within an hour or two. I find I can work and function normally for a longer time than I could before. It is now an important part of my morning and afternoon routine to apply the balm on my wrists and hands. Also, I found that I could sleep better at night because I could more completely relax. I carry samples in my shop now, and look forward to a new ‘industrial’ size of 8 ozs.’
– Cindy L. – Marin Co. CA

‘I have had pain in my hands and lower back since 1990. I have been diagnosed with osteo-arthitis torn muscles in the lower back and disc degeneration (in the spine). I have used Aspercreme with Lidocaine and preparation H with Lidocaine and they helped slightly, but never rid me of my pain and were slow acting. I tried teds-meds Chronic pain relief formula and the there was a lot of relief within 10 minutes and lasted most of the day. I am thrilled with the results and would absolutely recommend teds-meds to my family and friends.’ – Hilda – Retired Nurse

‘I have been using ‘over the counter’ and prescription pain relievers for about two years. Primarily, joint tendonitis, and arthritis in my hand caused moderate discomfort most of the time. I had used ‘Ted’s Meds’ with good results during my active days and considered it a very good product. Recently, I applied ‘Ted’s Meds’ to my sore elbow at bedtime to gain some relief. When I awoke the following morning, I was thrilled to discover that the pain was entirely gone and my elbow felt as good as new. I am sold on this excellent product and highly recommend it to treat pain.’ – Lou Linnet – teacher – retired

‘I recently began recommending “Teds Meds” to my patients. Some of them were recovering slowly from injuries and found that, in addition to regular acupuncture treatments, applying Teds-Meds pain relief balm before bed greatly enhanced the healing process. Others were experiencing aggravation in chronically inflamed areas and they also found relief with daily application of the balm (Chronic Pain Relief). I believe that Teds Meds is now an asset to my practice. I look forward to recommending Teds Meds to my patients in the future.’ – Charles Adamec, L.Ac. – Yellow Emperor Community Acupuncture – Berkeley, CA.