Product Usage

Instructions for use:
Apply a thin film over effected joint, and rub in deeply and thoroughly. This will allow the herbs to penetrate the skin and start effecting the joint and connective tissue below. Apply as often as needed, but follow the instructions below for not moving (the joint). These herbs dilate blood vessels, as well as reduce swelling related to traumatic injuries (remove coagulation factors or deactivate them- see Research and Science coming soon.) and help regenerate tissue.

Keeping the joint still and unmoved is key to the therapeutic process. In general, there is a stimulating, ‘tingling’ feeling in the joint after application of the balms. There is a tendency to want to move and stretch to feel this sensation of movement. This is normal, but resist the temptation- relax the joint; more benefit can be gained from keeping the joint still and non-moving.

Moving the joint while the balms are on will stress and activate the nerves and attachments of the tendons. This action is counterproductive to the healing process. Moving these joints is like re-injuring the very connections we are trying to heal. Let these joints rest and allow the healing penetration of the product to produce it’s action. There may be slightly more pain while you are relaxing the joint, but it will feel so much better later! Allow the pain and any feelings and sensations that you may experience to just come up, rise and fall again. Often the pain slowly subsides, and there is peace instead of pain.

Teds-Meds is a ‘compassionate business’ and intends to help all and every person that can gain benefit from these balms. Practioners can contact me for FREE samples. Also, for every ounce bought, a free ¼ oz. will be included, allowing others to experience Teds-Meds formulas as well.

These products are not meant to diagnose or cure any western medical disease or any Chinese pattern of disease. These may or may not contribute to the natural curative process in the human body. These are for external use only, store in a cool dry place, no direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Please read all of the instructions for use. For more complexed conditions, consult local acupuncturists for evaluation.